by invitation only- would you like to be invited?
From Friday 25th October till Sunday November 3rd.
Tracy Heather Johnson & Juliet Sugg.
Women’s voices, especially on sex and erotica, often struggle for space in everyday discourse. Deviant places those voices front and centre, forcing the reader and viewer to confront a multiplicity of desires that unsettle and disrupt the heteronormative and largely patriarchal culture that controls discussions about who enjoys what, how and who with. Here, the monstrous woman who actively lusts, is plural, queer, a mistress, a crone, childfree by choice, and who is simply often just far too much, will be bursting out of the frame, ripe and dripping. A dialogue between the art of Juliet Sugg and the poetry of Tracy Heather Johnson, Deviant is for anyone who celebrates desire in its many and varied forms.
Tracy Heather Johnson
Tracy holds a PhD in women’s writing and French feminist philosophy, and has a long-standing interest in the depiction of female sexuality, especially within the horror genre. She is a prize winning writer of short fiction, a published poet and an established non-fiction writer in topics from education to cinema. Tracy regularly reads at open mic nights and has opened for gigs with commissioned readings of her work. She coaches in the arts and creative sector and is also a founding member of the newly re-launched Erotic Review.
Juliet Sugg
Juliet Sugg is multi-disciplinary artist and lecturer, specialising in themes of the monstrous feminine, gender transgression, feminine excess and abject bodies. She has exhibited internationally and has worked with organisations such as Whitechapel Gallery, the Southbank Centre and L’age D’or Events. She is the Course Leader of MA Illustration in Visual Media, London College of Communication,, University of the Arts London. Based in London, she is particularly interested in the advocacy of female sexuality and progressive equality within the arts.