a place to pray

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Holly Foskett-Barnes’ work in progress exhibition documents her Develop Your Creative Practice (DYCP) project over the last 6 months, funded by Arts Council. The work is gleaned from Holly’s allotment, a space she considers an extension of her studio, and explores the rituals of gardening on borrowed land. You are invited to bring an offering with… Read more »

Familiar Territory

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Recent watercolours by Ros Cuthbert MA RCA, RWA Ros lives in Winscombe, near Bristol. She has been a professional artist for nearly 50 years. Since the 2020 Lockdowns she has been drawing inspiration from her immediate environment. Watching the sun rise and set, rains come and go, or walking at night through deserted roads and… Read more »

Salad Days

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Basking in the rosy light of the moon, wishing on dandelions, wearing a green of youth, dancing, dancing, and dancing – ‘Salad Days’ is emerging artist Sanni Pyhänniska’s first solo exhibition showcasing a collection of original screen prints bursting in vibrant colour, rich texture, and motive pattern.

Scattered Perspectives : Documents of Life

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A series of experimental screen works by DW DW works with multiple photographs and moving images creating screen works that document an array of aspects life. ‘I have been working on creating outcomes from my archives- be that collections of images from places and times, or from ideas that I have shot but not actualised…. Read more »


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Emma is a Bristol-based artist who creates abstract works using pigmented plasters and sand. She discovered these materials in 2020 while removing layers of wallpaper from a 1930s house. The distressed wall that was exposed had many layers of plaster, filler, paint, chalk, and charcoal. These marks, left by so many people over a period… Read more »


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Prepare to be transported to DreamScapeS. A Free Art Exhibition filled with a landscape of mystery, curiosity and introspection! Martin and Wen-Hsi Harman welcome you to discover our otherworldly ceramic sculptures and paintings. Immerse yourself in the cosmic portals of perception. This exhibition beckons you to discover the intricate dance between imagination and reality. A… Read more »

Stories of Carers (unpaid)

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Invisible Army. Through documentary photography and short stories we we make the challenges and joys carers cope with everyday visible to ensure carers voices are heard.

Downside Upstreet

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2 Artists 4 Years. Milky & Rudi Now we’re here. A showing of collaborative paintings on upcycled wood and canvases, following our journey of creating together over the last 4 years, practicing graffiti, oil painting and comic illustrations. In these series of works combined are Rudi’s comic book style characters with Milky’s calligraffiti, overlapping to… Read more »